Notice Regarding Vote By Mail Requests
Supervisor of Elections Robert Bender advises voters that we do not use an automated service to call or text voters. Escambia County Supervisor of Elections staff have received a number of calls from concerned voters that their vote-by-mail request is being cancelled. One voter reported that a name and call back number was left as part of the voice message. An attempt to contact the caller revealed a disconnected number.
Any vote-by-mail request for the General Election received since January 1, 2023, is current through the November 5, 2024, General Election. Only then, by Florida Statute, does the vote-by-mail request expire and a voter must renew the request. You can check your vote-by-mail status, along with your registration and polling location information at
Vote-by-mail ballots for the Presidential General Election will be mailed at the end of September.