

SRIA Board Picks Five Finalists for Executive Director's Position

The Santa Rosa Island Authority Board narrowed down their search for a new Executive Director at a special meeting, May 1. The five finalists are Brian Underwood, William Whitson, Mike Burns, Ted Yates and Clete Saunier.

Interviews are set for May 21; public presentations are May 22 at the SRIA meeting which begins at 5 p.m. Read more for details. 




PSC Supporter and Foundation Fellow Jim Reeves Recognized by PRIDE Enterprises

Reported by PSC "Breaking Barriers"

Longtime Pensacola State College supporter and donor Jim Reeves was recently recognized for PRIDE Enterprises.

Reeves is the board chairman of PRIDE – an acronym for Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises. The 501c not-for-profit corporation was created by the Florida Legislature in 1981.

Pensacola State College | PSC supporter Jim Reeves recognized for PRIDE Enterprises | (850)484-1000




Sea Turtle Nesting Season Begins May 1

Escambia County Sea Turtle Conservation Program volunteers greeted the sun early this morning, May 1, as they officially welcomed the start of sea turtle nesting season. Today marked their first daily morning patrol on Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key, looking for nesting and other turtle activity occurring overnight.




Brennan Launches from Flounder's To Row To Key West

A lone rower launched from Flounder’s Beach on March 31 with a single mission - to raise money and awareness for Disabled American Veterans (DAV.) Retired Pensacola doctor Brian Brennan is attempting to row 900 miles from Pensacola Beach to Key West in his 18-foot rowboat, aptly named Daily Oar Deal. 

The fundraising goal is $10,000. Brennan has raised $6,255. He humbly requests donations, no matter how small.   You can donate online at  https://support.dav.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.personalCampaign&participantID=18578




Escambia County Awarded $1.4m Grant for Dune Resiliency

Escambia County has been awarded a $1.4 million grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation National Coastal Resiliency Fund to enhance native dune vegetation on Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key.

Escambia County will host at least one public meeting to gather stakeholder input on the design process and develop a dune management handbook to help gulf-front owners and leaseholders maintain and preserve dune systems on their property. The date has not yet been set. 

Planting work is expected to begin in spring 2025.




Shaggy's Pensacola Beach